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Swedish for beginners 2
Welcome to the course
How to get the most out of this course (2:27)
Lecture 1
Meeting someone for the first time (32:02)
Meeting someone for the first time - Practice (27:30)
Telling time - Introduction (17:22)
Lecture 2
Telling time - Practice (7:04)
Klockan dialog - Introduction (24:35)
Klockan dialog - Practice (9:00)
Swedish culture - Systembolaget - Opening hours (11:27)
Verbs from "klockan dialog" (1:24)
The 20 MOST common Swedish words (18:16)
Personal pronouns (Han/Hon vs Honom/Henne) (8:57)
Postcards - Homework (4:32)
Lecture 3
Swedish culture - Valborg (5:37)
Postcards - Introduction (19:23)
Possessive pronouns (Min vs Mitt) (17:05)
Verbs (2a) - Past and present - Introduction (22:31)
Verbs (2a) - Past and present - Practice (11:05)
Smalltalk at work - Part 1 (10:42)
Lecture 4
Postcards - Common mistakes (4:43)
Read me your postcard! (9:43)
Smalltalk at work - Part 2 (18:51)
Smalltalk at work - Practice (6:02)
Quiz om Sverige! (43:09)
Lecture 5
Forming sentences - Practice (24:09)
Verbs (2b) - Past and present - Introduction (31:22)
Asking for directions - Introduction (5:29)
Asking for directions - Practice (19:20)
Describing people - Part 1 (1:30)
Lecture 6
Describing people - Part 2 (18:55)
Describing people - Practice (18:49)
Smalltalk with people you know - Introduction (24:48)
Smalltalk with people you know - Practice (17:52)
Lektion 7
New friends! (4:21)
Testing our knowledge - Introduction (15:21)
Testing our knowledge - Practice (31:24)
Weather - Introduction (15:07)
Weather - Practice (9:54)
Plurals - Introduction (13:38)
Lektion 8
Plurals - Practice (30:20)
Talking about date and time - Introduction (18:11)
Talking about date and time - Practice (16:19)
Game time! Explain it without saying it! Part 1 (3:46)
Game time! Explain it without saying it! Part 2 (14:36)
Lektion 9
Swedish culture - Midsommar (6:59)
Clothes and plurals - Introduction (40:09)
What are you wearing? ;D (24:30)
Adjectives and opposites (5:13)
Honey, I'm home! (part 1) (9:45)
Lektion 10
Honey, I'm home! (part 2) (20:13)
“Special" adjectives (liten - litet - små) (34:03)
Game time! Hangman (10:17)
How Swedish word order works (20:36)
Smalltalk at work - Practice
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